Friday, July 2, 2010


It's summer. It's my favorite season temp wise and because it's wedding season. I love weddings. There is always drama that the families will talk about at every holiday. There are beautiful girls, handsome men and adorable children who are picking their nose. There are tears. There is amazing food and delicious cake. There are flowers that smell amazing and great friends. There are people that you love to see and some that you want to never see again. But most of all there is a couple who has their life changed forever, they are so in love and they are jumping into a brand new chapter in their life. Marriage is amazing and fun and hard as hell. But having someone to go no matter what and who will be there is all worth it.This is why I take photos at weddings. All that emotion I love to capture.                                                                                                       In other news...ECLIPSE came out this week. I am so excited to see it. I'm such a closet twihard that it's not even funny. My husband has no idea how much I love it. It's like my own little escape from the world when I need it. I'm waiting for my sister in law to come into town to see it.THAT is taking alot of patience.                                                                                                                                                     My day job. Tanning, he it is going okay. I love working at a place that people go to feel better and to escape. Sometimes they get irate, but really? Come on now. It's just tanning :) Well that is all for today. I'll try to blog more often. Though I don't really think many people read right now...maybe that will change :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


So I've got a wedding to shoot today. AND IT'S A RAINY DAY!. Ugh. I hate that. I had a beautiful sunny no wind wedding day. This poor bride....I know her shots will still look amazing..but I know how she must be feeling.My job will be to assure her that the look of her wedding will still be amazing. Which it will be. Because I don't do crap work and equipment isn't cheap :) Well everyone try to go out and enjoy this weather if you're in the DFW area.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello world

So this is my first blog. Not really sure what to write about, or if anyone will read this.
Here is a little bit about me:
Happily married. Lucky enough to have a career in this economy, and I am completely obsessed with the Twilight Saga. I am only partially open about it at work. They don't know I follow everyone I can on Twitter, that I read fanfic like crazy and watch the movie about once a month.
HOWEVER, I hate the crazy fans that scream at everything they say in interviews and get Rob and Kristen mixed up with Edward and Bella. That is annoying. Admire their work and leave their personal lives along.
I have an intense love for photography, my bestie and I are starting our own maybe I can pursue my dream of being a gypsy...that I think about at my cube often.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my job, but it's not something I'll be doing for the rest of my life. I've got different dreams, just learning what I can now.
I love dance and music....all kinds.
So that is it for now.
If there is anyonelse out there in their Twilight closet like me and want to be able to gush and not feel stupid...but know that I am normal person and not a crazy fangirl....hit me up.